NuPower II is an extraordinary Dry-Wash product for the ongoing care of painted or polished metal surfaces. It is easily applied with a wipe-on, wipe-off procedure with pad applicators or by hand in all types of humidity conditions.


  • Removes oxidation from paint and metal surfaces.
  • Easy wipe on, let dry, wipe off to clean and bright surface procedure.
  • Adds a beautiful gloss appearance.

NuPower has been tested and passed the following specifications:

  • Boeing D6-17487,
  • AIMS 09-00-002,
  • AMS 1650, Douglas
  • CSD#1

NuPower II is additionally specified in the following:

  • Bombardier Task 12-21-00-110-807 for the Q400 airframe,
  • Bombardier RIL-6027 for all CRJ airframes,
  • Bombardier AMM 12-21-00-110-805 for Global Express airframes,
  • Embraer Task 12-22-01-100-801-A for the 170, 175, 190 and 195 airframes.


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